Friday, November 18, 2011

Mobekimasu tte Nani

Reina has a story to share because she scolded Sato once already. So the 10th Gen girls were lining up to greet the staff members one day and as a staff member were walking by, the girls turned their heads to say hello while walking. As you're doing this, however, Reina says you normally keep an eye out in front as well as to not bump into anything while walking. Sato, apparently, does not. When she bumped into Reina the first time, Reina thought "Ah well she's just a kid". But the it happened again Reina turned around and was like "Hey, watch it! How many times are you going to walk into me! Pay attention to your surroundings!" to which Sato replied "Oh I didn't see you". Gaki saw this whole thing as well and the first time when Sato bumped into Reina and Reina didn't get mad, Gaki thought to herself "Wow Reina has really grown up" and she was really touched. But when she saw it happen again and Reina exploded on Sato, Gaki was like "Ahh that's the Reina I know".

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