Friday, November 25, 2011

[2012.01.25] Morning Musume's 48th Single PyokoPyoko Ultra

4 Versions!

Mobekimasu tte Nani & Sayu Stream (Last Show)

Girls News

Barks News

Morning Musume

News Article

MewMew Vol. 53 Preview

10ki Debut Handshake Events Goods

10th Gen first H!P Store Goods

10th Gen first H!P Store Goods will be released next Wednesday!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

10,000 people!! (Risa's Blog)

Hello Project Festival!

at Yomiuri Land!

10,000 fans came...

It was the first performance as Morning Musume for the new members that just joined ... in 2012 Mitsui Aika will make her comeback, and we'll be a 12-person Morning Musume! Please look forward to it!

Hello Project!

More and more and more!!

So that a lot of people will want to listen to our songs and came to watch us...

We'll work hard and aspire to be a group that's loved by a lot of people!

Thank you very much!!

Yomiuri Land (Sayumi's Blog)

Today we had a Mobekimasu Event at Yomiuri Land.

Looots of people came ...

It made me super exciteeed.

I was truly happy!

Everyone who came!
Thank you!

Even though it was sunny during the event's concert,
in the middle of the handshake Event it started to rain...(;_;)

It was super duper cold.

All of the fans
got wet, didn't you.... (>__

I can't stop sneezing for some reason...
I'm going to sleep well in some warm clothes!!!

The first photo is with the Mobekimasu members.
The girls in red outfits are Morning Musume.

Today was our first performance since the 10th Generation members joined. (^o^)/

We'll keep on doing our best


Ai wa Katsu

Current Morning Musume, Dream Morning Musume, Up Front Ganbare Nippon Ai wa katsu singers are invited to FNS Kayousai 2011.


Mobekimasu Event today!


Article about the Mobekimasu Event.

Busu ni Naranai Tetsugaku