Thursday, October 13, 2011

First Shot (^_^)v (Sayumi's Blog)

At 22:00~
My UStream show
"Michishige Sayumi's What is Mobekimasu?"
is on!!!

Anyone can easily watch UStream for free, so definitely watch okay?

Today's guest ist! Amazingly

They just entered Morning Musume, three of the 10th Generation members
Iikubo Harunan-chan
Ishida Ayumin-chan
Sato Masaki-chan

The other member of the 10th Generation,

Kudo Haruka-chan, couldn't come. (;_;)

You know ...

The 10th Generation, omg

They were super interesting!!!!!!!!

They only just entered so of course they don't speak that well yet,

and they were nervous,
but they gave it their all and it was super cute.

It was Sayumi's first time getting close to them and talking that much.

They were interesting and at any rate, pure and cute!!!

The 9th Gen is cute

The 10th Gen is cute
Morning Musume is amaziiiiiing

Tonight, at 22:00, definitely watch. (*^o^*)

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